Dual career couples are couples where both partners prioritise pursuing their career while also playing an active and much loved role in their personal and family life.

Being part of a dual career couple brings rewards, such as increased economic freedom and a more fulfilling relationship. However, it also brings complexities like;

  • How do we make all of this work.
  • How do you prioritise two careers and still ensure an enjoyable home life.
  • How do you support each other with the choices and decisions that life brings.

The Way Forward

Being part of a dual career couple myself and having worked with many professionals who form part of dual career couples, I understand it’s no longer enough to just ‘muddle through’ juggling day to day practicalites such as how to split domestic duties or managing childcare. Its about digging deeper, talking about how you balance decision making and power in the relationship, understanding what you both want and need for yoursleves, each other and how you can support this in both your careers and life together.

We do this through answering questions such as;

  • What are our values as a couple?
  • What are our fears?
  • What is our vision of the future for both work and home?
  • What do we want for ourselves as individuals and as a couple?
  • How do we support each other to do this, now and in the future?


We help by developing a couples shared vision for both career and life together and understanding how you can support each other to achieve this. Developing actions to move to a life that provides more fulfillment for both partners and a better balance of power within the couple. A proactive approach to managing career and life decisions and choices. 

Topics can vary, based on needs identified. Examples are: building a vision before settling down, managing careers after starting a family, managing career prioritisation,  couples competing careers vs. complementing careers, career prioritisation models for couples, work-life balance, balancing power and decision making.

Coaching Chemistry Call

$ 99

Per Month
  • Understand whether coaching is for you and get a feel for our style and approach
  • Get a feel for our style and approach.
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Moxy Brain-Storming Coaching Session

$ 99

Per Month
  • Gain a new perspective – fast and impactful!
  • 60 minute session.
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Moxy Leadership Coaching Programme

$ 99

Per Month
  • Opportunity to explore, reflect and make changes.
  • Key actions/development work to support transformation pre sessions
  • Interactions with your coach post sessions.
  • 6 x 1 hour sessions scheduled over a six month period.
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Book a free consultation with me and we can explore further.

I offer a FREE 20 minute consultation call to all new clients to find out more.
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